Family Home Evening Ideas
July 2012

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, July 2012, 79

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are some examples.

“The Strength of Our Heritage,” page 16: Read the article with your family. Emphasize this statement by Elder L. Tom Perry: “Just as the pioneers made the desert blossom as a rose, so too our lives and families will blossom if we follow their example and embrace their traditions.” Consider asking how your family can better follow the example set by the early pioneers. You may want to close by singing “Come, Come, Ye Saints” (Hymns, no. 30).

“Facing the Future with Hope,” page 35: You may wish to summarize the story of Brother Grilo or tell a personal story of how you or someone you know faced the future with hope. Help family members apply the message to their lives by asking questions like “What are some challenges that make it hard for you to have faith in the future? What can you do to keep a positive attitude as you face these challenges?” Consider concluding by reading the last two paragraphs of the article.

“What Is Pure Testimony?” page 54: Start your lesson by sharing what the article teaches a testimony is. Then consider summarizing the questions about testimony bearing (see pages 56–57). If prompted, invite family members to bear testimony to each other during family home evening or to write their testimonies in their journals.

“A Whisper of Kindness,” page 59: Read Luke 6:27. Then share the story about James and Carson, pausing to ask the children to answer the questions posed at the bottom of the first page. Encourage family members to be kind to others.

“Outdoor” Family Home Evenings

When I was 10 years old, I was baptized with my parents, brothers, and sisters. I’m so happy to have grown up having regular family home evening. Family home evening was the heart of our family.

I have now been a member of the Church for more than 45 years. With my own five children, the tradition continues. Monday nights are reserved for the family.

On the last Monday of the month, we have a longer activity we call our “outdoor” family home evening. We go to a movie, to visit the sick, to play in the park, to see Lola and Lolo (our grandparents), and so on.

The most unforgettable outdoor experience we have is when we serve street children. We cannot express the joy and happiness we feel in helping those in such need. We try, in our little way, to make those children happy and to let them know that somebody cares for them and knows we are all children of God.

Tita Mabunga Obial, Philippines
