undefined undefined Comment
October 2012

“Comment,” Liahona, Oct. 2012, 79


It Builds My Testimony

I have diligently read and studied the Liahona since 1967, and it has helped me grow spiritually. Each month I wait for the magazine so I can be edified, feel the whisperings of the Spirit of the Lord, and build my testimony of the gospel. I especially liked “Emulating and Honoring Our Heavenly Parentage” (Liahona, Feb. 2012, 80). I was able to identify with what the author said because I too am a graphic designer.

Fabio Fajardo, Colombia

A Teacher and Friend

I love the Liahona—it teaches me, supports me, and corrects my life. When I read good things in the morning, I try to be better all day. My love and faith are stronger when I read the magazine. I also give the Liahona to my friends as gifts. Thank you so much for such a good teacher and friend!

Anastasia Naprasnikova, Ukraine