undefined undefined New Learning Resources for Youth
New Learning Resources for Youth
December 2012

“New Learning Resources for Youth,” Liahona, Dec. 2012

New Learning Resources for Youth

Questions and Answers

Why the change?

This new approach to learning will help youth be better prepared to talk about the gospel with their friends, prepare for missionary and family service now and in the future, and deepen their testimonies of the gospel. This will happen as they actively participate in searching the scriptures, share their thoughts, and accept invitations to apply what they’re learning outside of class. In class they will study the current teachings of living prophets.

Which classes will use the new lessons?

Aaronic Priesthood quorums, Young Women classes, and Sunday School classes for youth ages 12 to 18 will use the curriculum in Sunday instruction. Each month, the quorums, the Young Women classes, and the Sunday School classes will focus on learning the same doctrine, such as the Godhead, and strengthening one another in living and teaching it.

What will Sunday lessons be like?

The lessons will focus on a specific theme each month, based around gospel questions youth have. Each theme—12 in all—has several outlines teachers can choose from. More than one week can be spent on an outline if need be. Youth will be learning and practicing what it’s like to teach the gospel as they share their experiences and thoughts about the monthly gospel theme.

What is in the learning outlines?

Each outline focuses on questions youth may have and doctrines that can help resolve those questions. The outlines do not prescribe what or how to teach. Instead, they help teachers first learn the doctrine themselves and then provide learning experiences for the youth. Teachers can tailor the learning experiences to their students’ needs. Each outline contains references and links, which will be updated regularly, to Church leaders’ recent teachings.

Where does one find the new youth lessons?

Learning outlines (with separate ones for Aaronic Priesthood, Young Women, and Sunday School) are found online at lds.org/youth/learn. Printed copies will be available for those who don’t have Internet access.

Will this new Sunday instruction affect Mutual?

Class and quorum presidencies are encouraged to consider the monthly themes while planning Mutual activities. Activity ideas from the learning outlines can be used as a starting place in that planning. To view the outlines, go to lds.org/youth/learn.

Which languages will the lessons be available in?

The lessons will be available in Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Danish, Dutch, English, Fijian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Tongan, and Ukrainian. Units that do not use these langauges will continue to teach from the lesson materials used in the past.