undefined undefined Comment
February 2013

“Comment,” Liahona, Feb. 2013, 79


Study, Ponder, and Apply

The Liahona strengthens my spirit and my testimony of the truths of the gospel. In particular, it protects me from the snares of Satan by helping me turn to the things that are really important. Every month there is a message that seems to be written especially for me. I know it is the Father’s will that we study and ponder the messages each month and apply them daily in our lives.

Pamela Ananta Barbosa da Silva, Brazil

A Path of Light

The scriptures are a priceless treasure. But I also consider the Liahona to be a treasure. There is a great light that shines from its pages. It provides us opportunities to correct our errors and perfect ourselves through the messages therein, just like the scriptures. On each page there is a valuable teaching, there is an opportunity, there is a path of light.

Manuel de Araújo Fernandes, Mozambique