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Our Page
October 2013

“Our Page,” Liahona, Oct. 2013, 74–75

Our Page

My parents have taught me the gospel and have been good examples to me since I was little. I learned to read the scripture stories for children, and now I love the Book of Mormon. I read it every day, alone and with my family. Ammon is my favorite person in the Book of Mormon. He was a great missionary, which is what I want to be when I am older.

Esteban M., age 8, Colombia

When my family was on vacation in Panama, my mother’s native country, my parents took my little sister, Yhoalibeth, and me to visit the Panama City Panama Temple. Our mother took us to touch the wall of the temple. Later, when I told my mother how happy I felt when we were at the temple, she told me that I had felt the Holy Ghost.

Sergio B. Jr., age 7, Florida, USA

Pasha Z., age 9, Ukraine

When Letícia C., age 6, was 3 years old, the Curitiba Brazil Temple was completed. She loved going to the temple and went there every day of the last week of the open house. She still loves to visit the temple and walk through the beautiful gardens. Letícia also loves to draw and swim.

Primary: Follow Jesus

Maurizio D., age 11, Italy, likes sacrament meeting because he learns about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He likes going to church because it is fun and interesting and very beautiful. He is happy in the Church and has many friends.

When we were getting ready for the groundbreaking for the Tijuana Mexico Temple, we were very happy. We went as a family to give service. We cleaned the grounds of the temple. I know the Lord will visit His house when it is finished.

Jesus S., age 6, Mexico

Studying the scriptures helps me choose the right.

“The Gold Plates,” by P. Tuyêt Hoa, age 10, Cambodia

I choose the right when I follow Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

N. Thi LinĐa, age 8, Cambodia

My favorite part in the Book of Mormon is the story of Nephi and the journey across the sea.

Kelly C., age 10, Philippines

We need to be sealed in the temple so we can live as a family forever.

Shanna C., age 8, Philippines

I like going to church with my family and learning about Jesus Christ. At home I like reading and learning scripture stories, singing hymns, and playing games during family home evening. The gospel blesses my family and makes me feel happy. I have already given a Book of Mormon to three schoolteachers and to my best friend, Miguel. My favorite Primary song is “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” (Children’s Songbook, 172).

Martim P., age 6, Portugal

Henrique S., age 7, Brazil