Family Home Evening Ideas
December 2013

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Dec. 2013, 3

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are two ideas.

“Helping Children Recognize the Holy Ghost,” page 10: After reviewing this article, consider planning aural, visual, and kinesthetic activities that will help your children learn how the Holy Ghost speaks to them. You might read and role-play the Christmas story. You could learn hymns and Primary songs about the Savior’s birth and perform them for friends and neighbors. You might look at pictures of the Savior together or place a nativity in a prominent place in your home. You could plan a family service activity. Whatever you choose to do, help your children recognize when they are feeling the Spirit.

“Becoming Better Saints through Interfaith Involvement,” page 26: Consider finding a way to interact with another religious faith during this Christmas season. You might join with another Christian family to read the Christmas story or perform service. You might invite a family from a non-Christian faith to join you for family home evening and take turns learning about each other’s beliefs and traditions. Consider discussing with your children afterward what truths they learned from your friends.

In Your Language

The Liahona and other Church materials are available in many languages at languages.lds.org.

Photo illustration by David Stoker
