I’m Tendai from Zimbabwe
March 2014

“I’m Tendai from Zimbabwe,” Liahona, Mar. 2014, 70–71

Friends around the World

I’m Tendai from Zimbabwe

Tendai from Zimbabwe

Mhoroi, shamwari! * Meet Tendai, who lives in the country of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is in the southern part of Africa. There are lots of animals in Africa, like rhinos, elephants, Cape buffalo, lions, and giraffes. But Tendai does not get to see these animals near his house since he lives near Harare, Zimbabwe’s biggest city. Still, Tendai is glad that these beautiful animals live in his country.

My favorite scripture story is when Nephi was commanded to build a ship. I hope that I can always have the courage to do what is right, just like Nephi.

My favorite part about Primary is doing the Primary presentation. I like sharing my testimony of Jesus Christ.

When I’m finished with my homework, I help my older sister with her lessons. She has some challenges that make it hard for her to learn. I also like helping some of the other children in my school who have challenges. Some kids laugh at these children, but I never do.

One day some of my friends were playing in our yard. One of them said a bad word. The other kids laughed, but I didn’t. I told them it wasn’t funny and that we should not say bad words.

My family is very important to me. I have an older sister and a twin sister. My two sisters and I live with our mom and our great-grandmother, or Gogo. That is how you say “grandmother” in our native language of Shona.

  • “Hello, friends!” in Shona.
