undefined undefined Conference and Me
Conference and Me
April 2014

“Conference and Me,” Liahona, April 2014, 6


Conference and Me

The author lives in Toronto, Canada.

I used to think general conference weekend was long and boring, but as time has passed, I have come to love and look forward to it. General conference weekend can be spiritually recharging, but it is easy to let these feelings fade when normal life continues on Monday. Some of the following ideas have helped me continue to get as much from conference as possible.

I prepare myself for conference by writing down questions, and then I make notes as my questions are answered. Afterward, I like to download the conference addresses and music from LDS.org and put them on an MP3 player so I can listen to a talk or hymn as I go about my daily routine. I also love to study the conference issue of the Liahona. I highlight and make notes in the margins of my personal copy. By the time the next conference rolls around, my magazine is well used. My family sometimes studies the messages together in family home evening.

Keeping the spirit we felt during conference with us and continuing to learn from the messages requires work, but doing this has been a great blessing for me. I have received so much strength and guidance in times of need by studying the messages from general conference, and I know that these messages are inspired.