That’s So Easy, Grandpa!
April 2014

“That’s So Easy, Grandpa!” Liahona, April 2014, 67

“That’s So Easy, Grandpa!”

From an April 2013 general conference address.

Elder Enrique R. Falabella

“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39).

I love the Book of Mormon and my Savior, Jesus Christ. One day I asked my granddaughter Raquel what she thought about setting a goal to read the Book of Mormon. Raquel had recently learned how to read.

“But, Grandpa,” she said, “it’s so hard. It’s a big book.”

Then I asked her to read me a page. I took out a stopwatch and timed her. It took her only three minutes to read the page.

We read the Book of Mormon in Spanish, and the Spanish version of the Book of Mormon has 642 pages. I told her it would take her 1,926 minutes to read the whole book.

This might have scared her even more, so I divided that number by 60 minutes. I told her she would need only 32 hours to read the book. That would be less than a day and a half!

Then she said to me, “That’s so easy, Grandpa!”

It took Raquel, her brother, Esteban, and our other grandchildren a little more time to read the Book of Mormon. That is because when we read it, we need to take time to pray and to think about what we have read.

Just like Raquel and Esteban, we can all learn to love the scriptures. Then each of us can exclaim: “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103).
