undefined undefined Insights
October 2014

“Insights,” Liahona, October 2014, inside back cover


Am I a pioneer today?

“While we honor those pioneers who walked across the plains to the Salt Lake Valley, there are far more pioneers living today. They don’t push handcarts, but they are exactly the same in so many ways: They have heard the voice of the Lord through the Book of Mormon and through their personal prayers. With faith and repentance they have stepped into the waters of baptism and firmly planted their feet in the rich gospel soil. As disciples of Christ, they have been willing to sacrifice for what is right and true. And with the gift of the Holy Ghost, they are holding steady in their course toward eternal life.”

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Come unto Him,” Liahona, May 2009, 80.