“When Should I Tell?” Liahona, March 2015, 68
When Should I Tell?
Illustration by Brad Teare
When Should I Tell?
If somebody is—
Playing a dangerous game
Taking medicine that isn’t his
Eating, drinking, or sniffing something strange
Hurting her body
Doing something he doesn’t want adults to know about
If somebody—
Tries to get you to do anything from the list above
Shows pictures of people without clothes
Asks you to look at or touch his or her body or let him or her look at or touch your body
Asks you to keep a secret about something that makes you feel bad
Is bullying or talking disrespectfully to you or someone else—in person, by text, or online
If something—
Makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable
Doesn’t seem right or gives you an “uh-oh” feeling
Listen to the Holy Ghost and trust your feelings!
Whom Should I Tell?
A parent, grandparent, or guardian
A schoolteacher or counselor
A Church teacher or leader
An older brother or sister
A doctor
A friend who can help you tell an adult
You don’t need to feel alone with a secret. An adult can help you know what to do. Keep telling people until you get the help you need.
Be brave! You are strong. Speaking up can help you and others be safe!