“Is it OK to go to dances or parties where I know bad stuff will be going on, in order to be a good example?” Liahona, April 2015, 61
Is it OK to go to dances or parties where I know bad stuff will be going on, in order to be a good example?
Photo illustration by Dave Peterson
Ask yourself: “What kind of example do I really think I’m going to be setting in that situation?” If you intend to go someplace where there might be drugs or alcohol, immodest dress, music with suggestive lyrics, or lewd dancing, how will you show people how much fun they can have without those things? What would the people around you likely be thinking—“Isn’t that a great example of faith and standards?” or “Why did that person even come?” In most cases, you’ll be a much better example by not going at all, because you won’t be deliberately and knowingly exposing yourself to temptation.