undefined undefined LDS Edition of Bible in Portuguese
LDS Edition of Bible in Portuguese
November 2015

“LDS Edition of Bible in Portuguese,” Liahona, November 2015, 141

LDS Edition of Bible in Portuguese

An LDS edition of the Holy Bible in Portuguese became available online in September at AsEscrituras.lds.org as well as on the Gospel Library mobile application. Other formats, such as ePub and PDF versions, are also available. The print version will be available in March 2016, with audio and Braille editions also coming in 2016.

The new edition, titled Bíblia Sagrada, Almeida 2015, is based on the 1914 edition of the João Ferreira Annes de Almeida translation of the Bible, which was selected because of the high quality of its translation. Under the direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, a team of General Authorities, Area Seventies, professional linguists, and Church members labored five years to review and prepare the LDS edition. Nearly 1.4 million members of the Church speak Portuguese.