I feel inadequate to be a Young Women class president. How can I be a better leader?
December 2015

“I feel inadequate to be a Young Women class president. How can I be a better leader?” Liahona, December 2015, 58–59

Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

“I feel inadequate to be a Young Women class president. How can I be a better leader?”

If you feel inadequate when you receive a calling, you’re in good company. Jeremiah, Enoch, and Joseph Smith were all young and all felt inadequate when they received their prophetic calls, but the Lord still used them to further His kingdom. Just as the Lord used prophets of old to accomplish great things, as you pray and rely on Him, He can use you.

Perhaps the best thing you can do for your class members is be their friend. Learn their names. You could pray for them daily and maybe even fast for them if they are struggling. Consider asking about their lives outside of church, smiling and greeting them whenever you see them, and sitting by them at church or at school. Be on the lookout for those who may need extra love and support.

And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Heavenly Father won’t leave you alone—He has given you counselors and adult advisers. They will help you, and so will He.

As President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) said: “Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord; then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. Then leave the matter in the hands of the Lord. You will discover that you have accomplished something beyond price” (“To the Women of the Church,” Liahona, Nov. 2003, 114).

Be a Friend

As a class president, I too felt unqualified. But it’s important to try to make the young women feel loved and included. Be a supportive friend and listen to your counselors when making decisions. Set a righteous example and strive to live the Young Women values, but don’t expect yourself to be perfect. All that Heavenly Father expects is for you to try. If you call on Him, He will give you the strength and direction you need.

Rebecca N., age 16, New Hampshire, USA

Serve Willingly

I felt the same thing, since I was the Mia Maid class president. I can still remember the feeling I had when I entered the bishop’s office for the interview. I could have declined, but I knew that it was not an assignment from my bishop—it was a calling from God. Heavenly Father will help us fulfill our callings if we willingly submit ourselves to Him and are humble.

Nicole P., age 16, Philippines

Love Those You Serve

To become a better leader, you must really love those you serve. Letting go of any grudges and forgiving is therefore necessary. You can pray to see their worth as God does. Pray to feel the love He has for you as well as for your class members. I know from experience that Personal Progress can help you develop the qualities and values necessary to fulfill your calling. God will give you the power you need if you’ll ask for that help.

Mary B., age 16, Washington, USA

Start Where You Are

You can be a better leader by exercising the qualities you want to have. Pray for the Spirit to be with you when you make decisions. Pray to pay attention to the needs of the young women. There’s a lot you could do to become a better leader, but I found that the first step is always believing that you can.

Savanna P., age 15, Texas, USA

Attend the Temple

When I was a newly called deacons quorum president, I wasn’t sure how to increase my spirituality. I started doing family history, usually each Sunday. I have been going to the temple every Saturday morning. My goal was to take male baptism and confirmation names as often as I could. After I went to the temple each week, I would feel a little more spiritual, and that way I was able to help my quorum better.

Josh B., age 13, Utah, USA

Act on Inspiration

If the Lord has extended a calling to you, it’s because there is a work that you can do. We need to ask of God, as James 1:5 says. By the power of the Holy Ghost, it will be revealed to us what we should do (see 2 Nephi 32:5). With His help, we can “know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5). Then we need to follow the inspiration we receive. I have a deep conviction that since it’s the Lord who guides us, we can all magnify our callings.

Lucy D., age 17, France

Plan Edifying Activities

Hold regular meetings with your presidency and plan edifying activities that meet the girls’ needs and interests. When a young woman in your class does not attend, let her know that you missed her. One of the scriptures that has helped me is Mosiah 18:9.

Karen P., age 16, Mexico
