Teach Them to Read the Book of Mormon
April 2016

“Teach Them to Read the Book of Mormon,” Liahona, April 2016, 43

Latter-day Saint Voices

Teach Them to Read the Book of Mormon

Emilien Rioux, Quebec, Canada

During our service in the Geneva Switzerland Mission, I was called and set apart to be the branch president, and my wife was called as the Relief Society president. Together we worked with all our strength to revitalize the struggling branch. Although organized in the 1960s, the branch had not seen any baptisms for many years and had not sent any missionaries to the mission field for 15 years.

It was evident that we needed the Lord’s help in order to find solutions for the numerous difficulties the branch faced. After I had prayed about the branch’s challenges, the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Teach the members to read the Book of Mormon, and you will be successful.”

Immediately, we made plans to commit all the members to start reading the Book of Mormon.

Extraordinary results followed. Peace and the Spirit returned to the branch. New families joined the Church. Motivated by his desire to serve, a young man left on a mission. Several struggling marriages were strengthened, and families became closer. This branch continues to progress today.

We and the branch members witness for ourselves the miraculous power of the Book of Mormon. It truly is the keystone of our religion and of our testimonies of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. We love it with all of our heart. It is a source of unending and unalterable knowledge.

This experience taught us that the Book of Mormon is the surest means of helping our brothers and sisters move out of the shadows of spiritual darkness that cover the earth. This book brings peace, joy, happiness, and a strong desire to follow the Savior Jesus Christ.
