undefined undefined 150 Temples Operating
150 Temples Operating
May 2016

“150 Temples Operating,” Liahona, May 2016, 142

150 Temples Operating

During the Sunday morning session of the conference, President Thomas S. Monson announced plans to build four additional temples: in Belém, Brazil; Quito, Ecuador; Lima, Peru; and Harare, Zimbabwe.

Since the last general conference, these events involving temples have occurred:

Dedications and Rededications

With the dedication of the Provo City Center Temple in Provo, Utah, USA, the Church now has 150 temples in operation around the world. The temple was dedicated on March 20, 2016, days before the 180th anniversary of the March 27, 1836, dedication of the Kirtland Temple, the first temple of the Restoration.

Three other temples were dedicated or rededicated: the Montreal Quebec Temple in November 2015, the Tijuana Mexico Temple in December 2015, and the Suva Fiji Temple in February 2016.

Dedications are also scheduled for the Sapporo Japan Temple, August 21, 2016; the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple, September 18, 2016; the Fort Collins Colorado Temple, October 16, 2016; the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, October 30, 2016; and the Hartford Connecticut Temple, November 20, 2016.

The renovated Freiberg Germany Temple will be rededicated on September 4, 2016.

Construction and Renovations

Construction continues on the Concepción Chile Temple, Paris France Temple, Rome Italy Temple, and the following temples in the United States: Cedar City Utah, Meridian Idaho, and Tucson Arizona. Completion dates range from 2016 through 2018. Full-scale construction is pending for the Fortaleza Brazil Temple. The Frankfurt Germany, Jordan River Utah, and Idaho Falls Idaho Temples are undergoing renovation.


Groundbreakings were held for the Lisbon Portugal Temple in December 2015 and the Barranquilla Colombia Temple and the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple in February 2016. The Durban South Africa Temple groundbreaking took place on April 9, 2016.

Planning and Preparation

These temples have been announced but are still in planning and preparation stages: Abidjan Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire), Arequipa Peru, Bangkok Thailand, Port-au-Prince Haiti, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, Urdaneta Philippines, and Winnipeg Manitoba.