undefined undefined I Can Read the Book of Mormon
I Can Read the Book of Mormon
June 2016

“I Can Read the Book of Mormon,” Liahona, June 2016, 75

I Can Read the Book of Mormon

I can read the Book of Mormon

This Month’s Scriptures

After you read a scripture passage, color the matching numbered areas on the seedling!

  1. Alma 31:5–6, 12–16, 24–26

  2. Alma 32:1, 4–7, 21–23, 28

  3. Alma 34:1, 8–10, 17–28

  4. Alma 36:5–11, 18–24

  5. Alma 37:3–7, 14–17

  6. Alma 38:1, 9

  7. Alma 40:11–12, 23–26

  8. Alma 41:10

Growing Faith

Alma and Amulek taught many people about Jesus Christ. They changed people’s lives by planting the seed of faith. Alma and others were missionaries and preached the word of God. Look for another reading challenge next month!