Our Space
June 2016

“Our Space,” Liahona, June 2016, 57

Our Space

Have you experienced the power of the Book of Mormon in your life? Put it to the test as these missionaries did!

missionaries holding the Book of Mormon

Illustration by Brian Call

I Found the Missing Piece

When I was in high school, I got offended about some of the Church doctrine. It eventually led me to become less active. I attended some activities at another church, but my joy was not full. It was as if there was something missing.

It took me time to find what was missing, but one day after I prayed, I opened my eyes and saw the Book of Mormon on my table. I was about to go to sleep when a thought came to me: “I was born a Mormon. How come I haven’t finished reading the Book of Mormon?” So that day I decided I would finish reading the Book of Mormon.

After many years of searching, I finally found the missing piece of that happiness.

Elder Jayme Promise, Philippines Quezon City Mission

When People Open the Book

On my mission I’ve seen people who drink, smoke, and use drugs open the Book of Mormon and turn from their ways and come back to their families and the Church. I’ve seen prodigal sons return home and serve missions after they opened this book. I’ve seen broken families read the Book of Mormon together and be sealed in the temple afterward. I’ve seen people who are totally desperate and don’t know what to do open this book, and everything begins to fall into place.

The moment I open the Book of Mormon and use a verse to help someone, miracles happen. The power of God lies beneath those pages, waiting for a life to change, waiting for a miracle to unfold. I can promise you that miracles happen every time you open the Book of Mormon. They may not always be what we want them to be or happen when we want them to happen, but they will happen.

Elder Benjamin Baradi, Philippines Bacolod Mission
