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September 2016
Family Home Evening Ideas
After Love, Then What?
Keeping the Commandments and Loving Others
Showing Love
Parenthood Is a Sacred Duty
April 2016 Conference Notebook
Atonement of Jesus Christ
Dale G. Renlund
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Future Roles
Sister Mabel, Singing
R. Val Johnson
Blessed for My Service
John A. Grinceri
Expecting Twins, Finding Miracles
Cheryl Lapating-La Torre
Practice Pure Religion
Don R. Clarke
Tithing, Timing, and Transportation
Atilio Coitiño Guzmán
Faith, Freedom, and Religious Freedom
Ronald A. Rasband
Choosing to Live: Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts
How to Create a Suicide-Prevention Safety Plan
Doug Thomas
“Gathered Together in My Name”
Jakob R. Jones
Latter-day Saint Voices
Pressing Forward through the Plateaus
Christopher Drake
This Time I Acted
Teresa Weaver
My Unseen Investigator
Diane Mitchell Call
Seeking Etiene
Elson Carlos Ferreira
Young Adults
No Neutral Ground: How Media Influences Us
Aysia Tan
Building the Kingdom in Australia
Ben Robinson
Go See Rebecca
Mindy Raye Friedman
Poster: Look to the Light
To the Point
If I was faithful in the premortal life, why is it so hard to be so now?
What should I do if I question something a prophet has taught?
Sewing Classes and a Second Chance
Belen Chaparro
Commandments = Love
Charlotte Larcabal
Why the Book of Mormon?
Elvin Jerome Laceda
Strengthened by the Word of God
Yoon Hwan Choi
How to Show Gratitude
Elder Robert D. Hales
Our Space
Which Path to Choose?
Abbey F.
Heavenly Father Hears Your Prayers
Neill F. Marriott
Bee-ing a Missionary
Jenna Koford
Looking Out for Elise
Merillee Booren
Why is the Savior’s Atonement important?
Dallin H. Oaks
Our Page
Jesus Loves Everyone
I Can Read the Book of Mormon
Jesus Visits the Nephites
I Can Help My Family
The Great Stumbling Block to Zion
Ezra Taft Benson
“Rescue,” Liahona, September 2016, 9
Prophetic Promise
The Good Shepherd, by Del Parson