Heavenly Father Hears Your Prayers
September 2016

“Heavenly Father Hears Your Prayers,” Liahona, September 2016, 66–67

Heavenly Father Hears Your Prayers

Heavenly Father hears your prayers

One time when I was young, I needed to know that Heavenly Father knew me and understood the troubles I faced. I asked Him to guide me to find a scripture that would help me feel better. I opened the scriptures and read, “We glory in tribulations … knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts” (Romans 5:3–5). This scripture taught me that my hard experiences could help me gain patience, experience, and hope, and feel God’s love for me. I knew Heavenly Father heard my prayer and answered me through the scriptures. I had faith that things would get better.

My grandson Stuart also learned that Heavenly Father hears our prayers. He needed a friend at school. He and his mom decided to pray to help him find a friend. Every day when the recess bell rang, Stuart knew that his mom was praying for him. Pretty soon he made a new friend! Stuart learned that Heavenly Father cares about his worries. He learned that Heavenly Father would answer his prayers.

When my grandson Jack was 10, he played on a competitive soccer team. Jack talked with his parents and decided to honor the Sabbath and not to play in games on Sundays. He worried that he wasn’t getting better because he was missing those games. Jack’s little brother Charles knew he was worried. One day Charles said the family prayer. He asked Heavenly Father to help Jack not be worried about soccer. Charles knew that a great way to help his brother was to pray for him. He had faith that his prayer would help Jack.

We need help in this life, and Heavenly Father wants to give us that help. He loves us. He will listen when we pray!
