Two Things That Faith Cannot Do
March 2017

“Two Things That Faith Cannot Do,” Liahona, March 2017

Prophetic Promise

Two Things That Faith Cannot Do

1. “Our Father in Heaven … will not force anyone to choose the path of righteousness. God did not force His own children to follow Him in the premortal world. How much less will He force us now as we journey through this mortal life?

“God will invite, persuade. God will reach out tirelessly with love and inspiration and encouragement. But God will never compel—that would undermine His great plan for our eternal growth. …

2. “Faith cannot … force our will upon God. We cannot force God to comply with our desires—no matter how right we think we are or how sincerely we pray. …

“No, the purpose of faith is not to change God’s will but to empower us to act on God’s will. Faith is trust—trust that God sees what we cannot and that He knows what we do not.”
