undefined undefined Making Dolls, Making Friends
Making Dolls, Making Friends
June 2017

“Making Dolls, Making Friends,” Liahona, June 2017

Children with Heart

Making Dolls, Making Friends

making dolls making friends

Hi! I’m Jackson, from Germany, and this is my brother, Josiah, and my sister, Cora Jade.

A Great Idea

Lots of people come to Germany when they’re not safe in their countries anymore. They’re called refugees. The kids don’t have any toys, so I gave them some of mine. Then I had a great idea. I asked my mom if we could make dolls for them.

Sewing with Mom

I love to sew with my mom. I pushed the pedal on the sewing machine and put the stuffing in the dolls.

Happy Notes

My family collected some clothes and toys to give to the refugees here. We drew pictures for them of things that make us happy.

New Friends

We took the dolls to the refugee camps and gave them to kids there. I like making new friends!

I Am a Child of God

They sang songs for us, and we played our instruments for them. Some people who were sad smiled when we played “I Am a Child of God.” It felt really, really, really good.

Jesus Loves Us

The kids we met are like us in lots of ways. All of us like to sing and get toys and play outside. I know Jesus loves them, and He loves me.