Jesus Forgave
August 2017

“Jesus Forgave,” Liahona, August 2017

Stories of Jesus

Jesus Forgave

Jesus forgave 1
Jesus forgave 2
Jesus forgave 3

One day Jesus was praying. One of the disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray.”

Jesus told His disciples to pray and ask Heavenly Father to forgive their sins. He said Heavenly Father would forgive them if they forgave others.

Peter once asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who did something wrong. “Seven times?” Peter guessed.

“Seventy times seven,” Jesus said.

Jesus taught His disciples that we must always forgive.

Jesus forgave people who felt sorry about their sins. When He forgave one woman, she felt so grateful that she washed His feet with her tears.

Jesus also forgave people who didn’t know they were doing something wrong. He asked Heavenly Father to forgive the men who crucified Him because they didn’t know they were hurting the Son of God.

Jesus forgives people because He loves them. I can try to be like Jesus by forgiving others too!
