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True Discipleship
September 2017

“True Discipleship,” Liahona, September 2017

Drawing Parallels

True Discipleship

family studying together

Multiple speakers sometimes address the same gospel topic. Here is what three speakers said about being a true disciple of Christ. Use the May 2017 issue or visit conference.lds.org to read more of what they said.

  • “True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up, and be different from the people of the world. They are undaunted, devoted, and courageous.” —Russell M. Nelson, “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives,” 39.

  • “Genuine discipleship is a state of being. … Disciples live so that the characteristics of Christ are woven into the fiber of their beings, as into a spiritual tapestry.” —Robert D. Hales, “Becoming a Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” 46.

  • “Our love for the Sabbath day does not end when the chapel doors close behind us but instead opens the doors to a beautiful day of resting from routine tasks, studying, praying, and reaching out to family and others who need our attention.” —Neil L. Andersen, “Overcoming the World,” 58.