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Three Things to Remember
February 2018

“Three Things to Remember,” Liahona, February 2018


Three Things to Remember

young man with scriptures

The word remember appears many times in the Book of Mormon. Nephi encouraged his brothers to remember how God had saved their forefathers. King Benjamin asked his people to remember the greatness of God. And Moroni instructed his readers to remember how merciful the Lord is.

Remembering the Savior is essential—we even covenant to remember Him each time we partake of the sacrament. President Eyring invites us to remember these three things during the sacrament:

  1. Remember Jesus Christ: Read scriptures about how the Savior served and showed love toward others. How do you feel His love? How can you serve and show love toward others like the Savior did?

  2. Remember what you need to do better: Reflect on your past week with a repentant heart. Choose one thing you can change, and write down how you’ll make that improvement. Put your goal somewhere you’ll see it often.

  3. Remember the progress you are making: Ask God to help you see the good progress you’re making. Record how you feel.

We aren’t perfect, but the Savior knows that. That’s why He asks us to remember Him. Remembering Him gives us hope and helps us want to improve. Even at times when we fail to remember Him, President Eyring says, “He always remembers you.”