undefined undefined Blessed Are the Merciful
Blessed Are the Merciful
April 2018


Blessed Are the Merciful

On December 17, 2017, Bishop Victor Ochieng of the Riruta Ward in the Nairobi West Stake addressed his congregation about the Light the World Christmas initiative. He mentioned that if you do something nice to someone who knows you, who knows about the 25 ways in 25 days #LightTheWorld program, you will get a thank-­you. But if you do something for someone who doesn’t know about the program—then your good deed will be perceived as a spiritual act.

Bishop Ochieng and his wife had a friend who moved away from their neighborhood, but his wife knew where she now lived. The Ochiengs decided to “do something merciful” and visit her and also see how she was doing. They found her in a predicament with rent due and only KSh40 for the whole week. They gave her a little. She wept and the Ochiengs wept with her, because she didn’t know they were doing the 25 ways in 25 days program.

Bishop Ochieng said, “We must show our love for Christ by sharing His gospel every chance we get, and the best thank-you is ‘doing.’ We must seek Christ daily, especially as we honor His birthday celebration—with Christmas.”