Dare to Be Kind!
April 2018

“Dare to Be Kind!” Liahona, April 2018

Shine Your Light

Dare to Be Kind!

dare to be kind

Hi! I’m Claudia and I live in Australia. I shine my light by being kind to others.

I Stand Up for Others

A boy in my class at school has a hard time learning. I stick up for him when people tease him, and I help him in class when he needs it. My teacher said this is the only year he feels a part of his class.

My Tiny Teddy Bear

When my teacher’s uncle died, she was very sad. She doesn’t know about the Church, so I told her that Heavenly Father loves her. I made her a card and told her that she will see her uncle again. I gave her my special tiny teddy bear to help her through sad times.

Lucky Friends

My neighbor Olivia struggles with walking, talking, and hearing. Olivia’s mum says that Olivia is lucky to have a friend like me. I am lucky too!

Singing and the Holy Ghost

I like to sing songs from the Children’s Songbook. My family says it helps them feel the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost gives me a warm feeling inside.
