Conference Story Index
May 2018

“Conference Story Index,” Liahona, May 2018

Conference Story Index

The following is a list of selected experiences related during general conference. The number refers to the first page of the talk.



Reyna I. Aburto

(78) Latter-day Saints in Chile, Peru, Mexico, and the United States offer relief following disasters.

Neil L. Andersen

(24) Kathy Andersen reads President Russell M. Nelson’s past general conference talks and prays for a deeper assurance of his prophetic role.

M. Russell Ballard

(9) When he sees the size of a mustard seed in Jerusalem, M. Russell Ballard recalls the Savior’s teachings on faith.

David A. Bednar

(30) Russell M. Nelson and Henry B. Eyring follow President Thomas S. Monson’s invitation to study the Book of Mormon and apply its truths.

Jean B. Bingham

(104) A Relief Society sister ministers to a “lost and alone” young mother. An African sister ministers to a sister who has been beaten and robbed. Ward members care for a sister battling cancer. Young women work to meet a neighbor’s needs.

Gérald Caussé

(111) Before approving the construction of the Paris France Temple, local city council members visit a sacrament meeting. As a stake president, Gérald Caussé rejoices in stake members’ increased loyalty to the Savior. Gérald Caussé tells a friend that every family needs a priesthood holder in the home.

D. Todd Christofferson

(55) An elders quorum harvests the crop of a farmer after several of his family members die from influenza.

Quentin L. Cook

(114) Divine manifestations fill members with joy at the Kirtland Temple dedication. Quentin L. Cook feels love and peace in the Oakland California Temple.

Massimo De Feo

(81) Massimo De Feo’s son tells classmates that his father is “chief of the universe.” Massimo De Feo’s dying mother shows she loves him more than herself.

Devin G. Durrant

(42) A family home evening game builds young Devin G. Durrant’s confidence. The Durrant family takes pictures outside the temple.

Larry J. Echo Hawk

(15) The Echo Hawk family comforts the parents of a drunk driver who killed Larry J. Echo Hawk’s brother and sister-in-law.

Henry B. Eyring

(61) Henry B. Eyring’s great-grandparents fall in love while crossing the plains. A young man understands what priesthood holders can accomplish in serving the Lord. An inspired home teacher serves a family in desperate need.

(86) After Henry B. Eyring’s mother passes way, his father receives comfort from the Holy Ghost.

Taylor G. Godoy

(34) The death of a friend’s son prompts Taylor G. Godoy to use each “one more day” of life wisely. A Peruvian sister takes her covenants seriously after sacrificing to attend the temple. Taylor G. Godoy wants to be the best student after his mother sacrifices for his dental studies.

Gerrit W. Gong

(97) Gerrit W. Gong tells his sons bedtime stories and sings them to sleep.

Jeffrey R. Holland

(101) A brother whose wife falls ill instinctively calls his home teacher for help.

Douglas D. Holmes

(50) Aaronic Priesthood holders share their testimonies with their peers. Priests quorum members learn what it means to be “commissioned of Jesus Christ.”

Russell M. Nelson

(68) Priesthood holders fail to give true blessings to family members or sisters with new callings. Russell M. Nelson helps a man return to the Church.

(93) As a boy, Russell M. Nelson loves learning about the gospel and longs to be sealed to his parents. Young Russell M. Nelson smashes liquor bottles because he wants his parents to live the Word of Wisdom.

Dallin H. Oaks

(65) An elders quorum president counsels a quorum member not to drop out of college.

Bonnie L. Oscarson

(36) As a young woman, Bonnie L. Oscarson is asked to fulfill assignments and callings normally done by adults.

Dale G. Renlund

(46) Parley and Orson Pratt’s love for their ancestors helps them mend their relationship. Temple blessings help heal a family whose deceased son’s heart was donated.

Lynn G. Robbins

(21) Lynn G. Robbins’s college professor encourages students to consider failure as a tutor and to keep trying.

Ulisses Soares

(98) Ulisses Soares and his wife receive expedited visas after showing faith that the Lord would perform a miracle on their behalf.

Gary E. Stevenson

(17) Gary E. Stevenson gains a testimony of succeeding prophets after President David O. McKay’s death. A former student praises Dr. Russell M. Nelson’s teaching style.

Brian K. Taylor

(12) Brian K. Taylor remembers his patient Primary teachers. Following a car accident she caused, a young woman finds peace in knowing she is a child of God.

Taniela B. Wakolo

(39) After attending church for 39 years, a man is baptized and confirmed and later sealed to his wife in the temple.

Larry Y. Wilson

(75) Acting on spiritual impressions, an LDS chaplain helps save a transport ship and its crew from a typhoon.

Claudio D. Zivic

(83) “Endure and you shall triumph,” President Thomas S. Monson tells Claudio D. Zivic and his wife. A crack in Claudio D. Zivic’s kayak makes it impossible to control.
