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Temple Blessings
June 2018

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Temple Blessings

It was a great experience for me and for my family to visit the temple. I bear witness that this was very important to my life. The temple is a sacred place where Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, dwell.

I had a bit of fear in my heart when I started preparing to go to the temple with my family. Questions like, how will we go? Who will help us? What should we do?

These questions made me worry, causing fear in preparing my family members and myself to enter the house of the Lord. But our Heavenly Father showed me the exact way to go and did miracles in my life through many individuals.

When I look back into my life, 13 years ago, I remember the times I used to wander aimlessly with loneliness seeking for some kind of inspiration. And that’s the time when the Lord showed me this true church. I started coming to church and was baptized on October 16, 2005. Later I learned about the gospel regularly and followed it consistently, which helped me make wise choices in many aspects of my life, and this helped me grow spiritually.

The temple is a clean and quiet place where our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live. I have tasted the love of my Father in Heaven and the Savior in the temple; this cannot be expressed in words. When I did the baptisms for my ancestors, I felt that they thanked me from the other side. Tears flowed from my eyes at that special moment, testifying to me the truthfulness of the sacred ordinances performed for them in the holy temple.

I felt that I should have stayed for some more days in the temple but had to return back home which I did with a heavy heart.

I know that my Heavenly Father lives and the Savior gave His life to bring salvation to me. I know that the Holy Ghost directs me, and the Church is true. I testify that I can return back to my Savior when I follow the great plan of salvation. I bear witness that the leaders of the Church, the Book of Mormon, and the power of the priesthood are true. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.