My Impressions and Testimony about the Prophet’s Visit to Africa
August 2018

Testimonies of the Prophet in Africa

My Impressions and Testimony about the Prophet’s Visit to Africa

“I knew right there, without a shadow of doubt, that he was indeed a man of God.”

When I think of the prophet’s visit, I still remember the excitement of wanting to see him in person, which I did. As he was walking through those doors, I could feel warmth, joy, and peace—as if there was a mild wind in the conference center. I knew right there, without a shadow of doubt, that he was indeed a man of God. A prophet in our day. Our very own Moses. Sent to deliver us a message.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true—and is led by a true and living prophet. I testify I saw with my own eyes, and I felt of the power he carries as he was waving to us when he was leaving. Tears of joy slipped down my cheeks in gratitude of this chosen man of God.
