A Temple in India
August 2018

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A Temple in India

One of the first doctrines that I heard when I joined the Church was about the temples. Missionaries taught about the temples using a picture of the Salt Lake Temple. Being a Christian from my childhood, I was excited to learn about the temples as I already have a fair idea of the holy places that God used to dwell. I learned about the tabernacle that Moses built in the wilderness and the temples built by Solomon and the one built during the time of Herod.

On my mission, I understood something interesting and amazing. While in the early days of the Restoration, they constructed the first temples in Utah, and members around the globe immigrated to Utah, which some people used to refer to as Zion. But Church leaders later emphasized the need to establish Zion wherever we live.

After our marriage, Asha and I had to spend our entire bonus amount which we got from our company in buying our plane tickets to Hong Kong. We had to spend a considerable amount of money towards the travel, stay, and other expenses. Though it was possible for us to do this then, we know that it is the most challenging thing that most of the members will do.

After understanding this doctrine on my mission, I was yearning to hear the announcement of a temple in India. That day came much before the time I anticipated, filling my heart with unspeakable joy and happiness. My wife and I were happy that we no longer have to travel a long distance to be in the Lord’s temple.

Much before the announcement of the temple came the good news to Bangalore that President Nelson and Elder Holland were going to visit Bengaluru. While many of us were not sure about the purpose of his visit, we knew that something was going to happen as a result of his visit. One member in our ward told the congregation on the fast and testimony Sunday that she strongly felt that the prophet was going to announce about a temple in India. To our surprise came that good news and flooded social media during the wee hours of Monday.

The prophet’s visit became even more exciting, and my family with several other families waited for his visit to see what he would counsel us. I was excited to get an opportunity to pray in that meeting and listen to his message from just a few feet away. His words strengthened my testimony significantly. He helped us realize how we should be preparing ourselves for the temple.

He counselled us that we should stop contentions, love one another, and be honest and fair. He told us to remember to follow the ABCs, In which ”A” stands for ancestors and antiquity, “B” stands for being worthy, and “C” stands for teaching children the gospel. After uttering these things, he invoked a powerful blessing on all of us. Without a speck of doubt, I know that he is the prophet and living witness of Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
