A Habit of Fasting
September 2018

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A Habit of Fasting

When I started my mission, I decided to develop better habits which—I planned—would stick with me throughout the course of my missionary service and even after my mission was over.

Among those things was a habit of fasting.

Before my mission, I fasted just by obedience. I did not truly understand the importance of this commandment. But once on my mission, I decided to increase my knowledge of the fast. I wanted to live a real fasting experience—one that would help me to stay strong. I knew the fast could give me spiritual power and also help me teach with power and authority. And I wanted to be an example to all the people that I was serving or that I was serving with. As I fasted, I really felt all the promises related to the fast.

Over the next few months, as I was beginning to understand the very meaning of fasting, I found myself overwhelmed with trials. Life was hard for me. Not finding any easy solution, I had a strong sense that I needed to fast and pray. But that feeling also prompted me that I should also improve my way of fasting and praying. That sounded so strange to me because I was certain I had already understood how.

So, I started pondering because I really wanted to follow that feeling. I was convinced it would bring me closer to God and allow me to find an answer to my afflictions. Ultimately, I had an idea to develop a fasting plan, which would include all that I would do throughout my fasting day.

It looked like this:

1.Before starting the fast, put myself in a quiet and clean place.

2.Focus while singing three hymns—especially those about the sacrament—and meditate on the words contained in those hymns.

3.Read the Book of Mormon. I felt especially prompted to read 3 Nephi 11:10, 11, and 14 and would read these verses quietly while thinking as though it was Christ speaking directly to me and that I was on my knees in front of Him. I tried to fill myself with that joy as if I were in the presence of the Saviour.

4.Pray to mark the beginning of my fast.

5.Sing hymns throughout the day.

6.Read scriptures which speak about the Atonement.

7.Meditate on these scriptures in order to be taught.

8.End my 24 hours of fasting with a prayer.

As I followed my plan, I really felt the Spirit and I drew closer to Heavenly Father. I understood that we can always improve our spiritual experiences, but only if we rely on the Spirit and follow all the promptings.

Now that I have matured my understanding of the fast, I am very happy—and I know personally that the Lord answers my prayers.

I feel His presence by my side and a deep sense of peace. I truly love the fast because it brings me closer to God and it helps me feed my spirit as well as my soul.

I always pray that God gives me the strength and determination to fast.
