“5 Ways to Learn from General Conference,” Liahona, October 2018
5 Ways to Learn from General Conference
General conference is an amazing opportunity to join with members of the Church worldwide to listen to Church leaders and receive direction from the Lord. Watching, listening to, and studying the general conference messages will bring the Spirit into your life and help build your testimony. It’s an opportunity for you to receive and act upon personal revelation.
Here are five ways you can learn from general conference.
1. Write down your questions before general conference starts
Take the time to write down your questions before conference starts, and then pay attention to answers that come to you during conference. Your prayers and questions can be answered as you participate and listen to the Spirit.
2. Seek to learn of Christ
Detail from Christ and the Rich Young Ruler, by Heinrich Hoffman
Prophets testify and teach about the Savior (see Acts 10:43). As you listen to the conference messages, you could think about what the speakers are teaching you about Jesus Christ. You could even make a list in your notes.
3. Watch for themes
Photographs from Getty Images
After watching some of general conference, you might notice that you’ve heard a topic or theme mentioned more than once. The patterns you notice may be one way the Spirit helps you recognize something you need to learn.
4. Take note of the Book of Mormon
You can learn a lot by paying attention to the scriptures Church leaders refer to, especially the Book of Mormon, which is “the keystone of our religion” (introduction to the Book of Mormon). See if you can keep track of each time it’s mentioned in general conference. You’ll be amazed at what you find!
5. Be motivated and inspired to act
Write down messages and quotes that inspire you or invite you to take action. This can help you apply what you learn—and help you remember what your thoughts were later when you need the reminder!