Haiti Croix-des-Missions Stake 2018 Seminary Graduation
December 2018

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Haiti Croix-des-Missions Stake 2018 Seminary Graduation

Saturday, July 22nd was the date of the Haiti Croix-des-Missions stake seminary graduation for the 2017–2018 school year.

This activity was presided over by the stake president, Brother Kerving Joseph, with many stake and ward leaders in attendance. Brother Gethro Nerosil, coordinator of the Seminaries and Institutes program in Haiti also participated.

Thirteen youth—Simon Stevenson, Judel Barthelus Ladouceur, Franska B. Mazile, Gerard Jean Mary Junior, Sagine Jules, Sariah Pierre, Lourbine Jean Pierre, Slaïding S. Auguste, Bradley E. Prinvil, Clyde Francois, Jerome Kervens, Roosnold S. Fanfan, and Rijkaad Semaxant—completed the four-year program and received their diplomas. Another 62 youth completed the current course successfully and received this year’s course completion certificates. This year the youth had the opportunity to study the Book of Mormon.

The stake president expressed his pride for the youth of the stake and mentioned that the future of these youth has not yet unfolded but that wonderful things will come from them. He stated that the youth are born to lead. They cannot copy the world; they need instead to show the world how to live. President Joseph saw the effort put into those four years as an eternal investment from parents, priesthood leaders, coordinators, and youth to come to this point.

Now that they are very able, it is expected that they act according to what they know and go on missions as the next move to share all that they have learned in seminary. The time spent in seminary was necessary, for “what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). While going to school is very important, so is the study of the gospel. Luke 2:47 mentions that all who heard Jesus “were astonished at his understanding and answers.” Thus it is to be of seminary youth. May all they meet be astonished by their understanding and answers.

There is a need to study both secular and spiritual things. This year in the Book of Mormon, we studied so that we may know how to come unto Jesus and be saved (see 1 Nephi 15:14). This book is a tool that can lead us back to the Savior.

Seminaries are religion classes for youth from 14 to 17 where they are taught doctrine and how to live the gospel in the Savior’s way. Students start when they enter high school and end when they finish. The young people graduate when they have completed four years of seminary.
