undefined undefined As a young woman, should I be more focused on an education and career or on becoming a wife and mother?
As a young woman, should I be more focused on an education and career or on becoming a wife and mother?
April 2019

“As a young woman, should I be more focused on an education and career or on becoming a wife and mother?” Liahona, April 2019

As a young woman, should I be more focused on an education and career or on becoming a wife and mother?

education vs motherhood

We know that “the family is central to the Creator’s plan” and that “mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.”1 And we also know that, for a variety of good reasons, both men and women have been counseled by prophets to get an education.2 In addition, we know that many women will either need or want to pursue careers.

President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency, has said that for women, the choice is not between either family or education and career. “Timing is what we have to choose,” he said. “And we seek the inspiration of the Lord and the teachings of His servants in doing that.”3

Plan to get an education, and plan to have a family. You can also plan to have a career. In all of this, your focus should be on following Heavenly Father’s plan and seeking His will.