Waiting for Ian
June 2019

“Waiting for Ian,” Liahona, June 2019

Waiting for Ian

“What happened to me?” Ian asked.

“We like to be in Primary; we’re happy that you came too” (Children’s Songbook, 256).

Waiting for Ian

When Ian woke up, he heard his mother singing. It was “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” That was Ian’s favorite Primary song! He started singing along with her.

“You’re awake!” she said. She was smiling and had tears in her eyes. Ian saw his dad sitting next to her. He looked happy too.

“I’ve been singing your favorite songs to you every day,” Mom said.

Ian smiled back—but his head hurt. Actually, his whole body hurt, especially his leg.

He carefully looked around. He wasn’t at home. He was lying on a metal bed in a strange room. Then he saw a nurse and lots of other beds nearby. “This must be a hospital,” he thought.

“What happened to me?” he asked.

Mom’s face turned sad. “You were in a bad accident. A metal gate fell on you. You’ve been in the hospital for two weeks, but you are going to be OK.”

Two weeks! “Wow, that’s a long time to be asleep,” Ian thought. The last thing he could remember was being at the church building, practicing for the Primary program …

Oh no! The program!

“Did I miss the Primary program?” Ian asked. He had been looking forward to it for so long! He loved singing with his friends.

Mom smiled and shook her head. “No, you didn’t miss it. The ward decided to postpone it until you woke up so you could be part of it.”


“Really,” Dad said. “All the Primary kids asked the bishop to wait. They wanted you to be there. They knew how excited you were for it this year.”

Ian was happy he could still be in the Primary program. But he had to get better first. And that took a long time. He had to stay in the hospital for a while longer. When he finally got to come home, he still couldn’t walk or play.

But his friends got to come visit him. Ian would ask them about school and church. And they would ask him when he was coming back.

“Not until my leg is better,” he would tell them. “I still can’t walk.”

October turned into November, and Ian slowly got better. One day his friends invited him to come over and watch a movie with them. Ian’s mom and dad helped get him there.

“Does your leg still hurt?” his friend Chaís asked him.

“Yes,” Ian said. “But it’s getting better every day.”

“Can you walk yet?” Chaís asked.

“I don’t know,” Ian said.

“Here, let’s try,” Chaís said. She helped him stand up. Carefully, Ian put his foot down. He moved his body forward. He was still standing! It was his first step in over a month! Everyone clapped.

“This means you can come back to church!” Chaís said.

And she was right. In a few more weeks, Ian’s leg finally stopped hurting. The doctors took the cast off his leg and put on a brace instead. When Sunday came, it was time for the Primary program.

During sacrament meeting, Ian walked to the front of the chapel with his friends. He stood up straight and smiled at his mom and dad. During the songs, he sang as loud as he could. When it was his turn, he stood at the microphone and shared his testimony. He was grateful for his Primary friends. And he was glad he could be part of the Primary program after all.
