“Will You Come to My Baptism?”
July 2019

“Will You Come to My Baptism?” Liahona, July 2019

“Will You Come to My Baptism?”

The authors live in Kent, England, and Utah, USA.

Oliver wanted to shout it from the rooftops for all of England to hear!

“Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers” (1 Timothy 4:12).

Will You Come to My Baptism

Oliver couldn’t wait for the week to go by. Next week was the big day he had been waiting for since he was four. He was going to be baptized.

Oliver was so excited about his baptism that he wanted to shout it from the rooftops for all of England to hear! He couldn’t wait to tell his friend Dylan at school.

“I can’t believe it. My baptism day is finally almost here,” Oliver said. “It’s going to be brilliant!”

“I thought only babies got baptized.” Dylan looked confused.

“Kids have to be at least eight to be baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” Oliver said. “That’s my Church.”

“Cool,” Dylan said.

Suddenly Oliver had a thought. “Would you like to come to my baptism?”

“Sure,” Dylan said. “But I need to ask my parents first.”


Oliver was excited that Dylan might come to his baptism. This gave him another idea. “I don’t want to share my baptism with just one friend. I want to invite as many people as I can!” Oliver rushed home and told Mum he had a plan.

On the fast Sunday before his baptism, Oliver started his plan. He shared his testimony at the pulpit; then he said, “I’m getting baptized next Saturday, and I want everyone to come! Will you please invite anyone you know who isn’t a member, or who doesn’t come to church, to my baptism?” He felt like a missionary. He really liked that feeling!

Over the next week, Oliver invited friends, family members, and teachers to his baptism.

“It would mean a lot to me if you could come!” he told them.

As Saturday got closer, Oliver started to wonder how many people would actually show up. What if they were all too busy or didn’t want to come?

He said a short prayer that at least a few people he invited would come. Then he stopped worrying about who might show up. He knew he had done a good thing just by inviting them. Besides, the most important thing about the day was getting baptized.

When he got to church on his baptism day, Oliver could hardly believe his eyes. A lot of his friends were there to support him. He even saw a bunch of people he didn’t know. He waved when Dylan walked in with his parents.

When it was time to be baptized, Oliver stepped into the warm water. His dad took his hand, as they had practiced. Then he said the short baptism prayer and lowered Oliver into the water. Before he knew it, Oliver was standing up again—dripping wet and grinning. He knew he was following Jesus’s example.

After Oliver changed into dry clothes, his dad and a few other men confirmed him a member of the Church and gave him a special blessing, where they invited him to receive the Holy Ghost. Afterward, Oliver asked if he could share his testimony.

“Thank you so much for coming to support me on my special day. It means so much to me,” Oliver said. “I’m grateful for my baptism, and I believe this is Christ’s Church on the earth.”

Afterward, people came up to congratulate Oliver.

“Thanks for inviting me!” Dylan said. “I had a good feeling inside.”

“Everyone has been so kind!” Dylan’s mum said. “We have felt very welcomed.”

That night, Dad sat down on the end of Oliver’s bed. “What a great day!” Dad said.

Oliver nodded. “I’m glad I could share it with my friends.”
