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On the Blessings of Experiencing a Change of Heart
August 2019

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On the Blessings of Experiencing a Change of Heart

Heavenly Father sends us to this earth to gain experience in accordance to His great plan, which we know as the Plan of Salvation. Our destiny is set during our first estate, as we chose to follow our Heavenly Father’s plan to gain a mortal body and come to this Earth—a process which He promised is necessary to gain Eternal life. As mortal beings we all are free to choose according to our will. We receive eternal happiness and blessings by choosing Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. He knows “the pains and the sicknesses of his people, (so) that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities” (Alma 7:11–12). The gospel of Jesus Christ leads us to gain knowledge about our pre-mortal, mortal and post-mortal lives, a perspective which is necessary for “viewing our lives and the events around us in the light of God’s plan for us, . . . which will help us find joy in life’s daily challenges, and it will enable us to meet the most difficult challenges, even those that seem overwhelming” (“The Plan of Salvation: The Gospel Paradigm,” a devotional by Elder Kevin J. Worthen). The Gospel also teaches us principles and ordinances, and most importantly, strengthens our faith.

Faith in Heavenly Father and in His son, Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel. An infant who has not much spiritual knowledge relies on the parents and has trust in them that they will be there always. Likewise, having faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father comforts us in our lives. Through faith and repentance, we make His Atonement fully effective in our lives. It is through exercising faith that we see mighty changes in our hearts, our actions and our views, the same which was experienced by the subjects of King Benjamin after his poignant discourse, when they exclaimed “we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” (Mosiah 5:2) and promised to “enter into a covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things that he shall command us, all the remainder of our days” (Mosiah 5:5).

Baptism is the first ordinance of the gospel. After placing our faith in Jesus Christ, we repent and then are baptized. We humble ourselves before God and prepare for a new life, are forgiven of our sins and are born as a new person. By being immersed in water, we are cleansed of our past mistakes. We receive a new life where we make covenants with the Lord. The gospel touches the lives of different people in so many different ways. In the words of Elder Hilbig, “It matters not whether our spiritual rebirth is sudden or, as is more common, gradual. While the process may be different, the results will be similar. There is no difference in the quality of the conversion. For each individual, experiencing a mighty change of heart is manifested by feelings of joy and love, both of which eliminate the prior pain of disobedience (see Alma 36:20–21). How kind is our Heavenly Father! How encompassing is His Son’s Atonement!” (Keith K. Hilbig, “Experiencing a Change of Heart,” Ensign, June 2008).

We are immensely blessed to have a branch in Kolkata, India— a small one but one that is growing at a gradual pace. Most of the members are first generation converts. We are excited to have welcomed three new members into the fold of Christ last year, and in the beginning of 2019, we had one new member from Odisha, who came all the way to Kolkata to be baptized. These members were introduced to the gospel in different ways, and through different circumstances.

In April 2018, Brother Aakash was confirmed as a member of this church. His mother, Sister Mousumi has been a member for a long time. Elders from the New Delhi Mission gave him lessons through Skype and they came to Kolkata for his baptism. It was an eventful day in their lives, and they have seen the promised blessings pour out in their lives as a result of the decision.

Sister Rita was baptized in August 2018 by her son, Brother Debdeep. She came to know about the Church from his son who became a member while staying in Texas. After investigating the Church for few weeks and learning about the gospel, Sister Rita was inspired to take the decision to be baptized. It is a joy to watch her grow strong in her testimony and her hunger to learn more about our Savior every day, something which President Nelson invited us to do in his counsel “Our focus must be riveted on the Savior and His gospel. It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto Him in every thought. But when we do, our doubts and fears flee.” (Russell M. Nelson, “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives,” Apr. 2017 General Conference; Liahona, May 2017).

Sister Sashrika was the third and youngest member to get baptized in the month of September. Her mother, Sister Anita is a strong and faithful member of our branch and it was indeed a proud day for her to witness Sister Sashrika take her first baby steps to lead a gospel-centered life.

In January 2019, Brother Santosh came to Kolkata from Odisha to receive the ordinance of baptism. He came to know about the gospel in a very challenging time of his life. During that time, the scriptures comforted him and helped him to overcome the hardships he faced. The story of Alma’s faith has taught us that when we sow love, we receive love. And just like Alma, Brother Santosh had felt the same love of the Savior. His quest to know about the only true Church, led him to contact the Elders through internet. As he came to know more about the gospel, he felt the Spirit testify to him about the truthfulness of the gospel and the Church. He feels extremely happy about his decision and truly blessed to be a part of the Church.

The gateway to enter our Heavenly Father’s kingdom and to receive celestial glory is through baptism. Through exercising faith, and being guided by His Spirit, we are promised to be able to overcome our challenges and be comforted in the most difficult times. And for all members who has gone through this process of a spiritual metamorphosis, it is my invitation to reflect on the changes that you have made in your lives and the blessings that it has brought unto you; and most importantly, what it can bring about in the lives of others who are waiting to receive the good news of the gospel. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.