undefined undefined The Blessings of the Savior’s Mercy and Grace in My Life
The Blessings of the Savior’s Mercy and Grace in My Life
September 2019

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The Blessings of the Savior’s Mercy and Grace in My Life

A few weeks ago, my mission president asked all the missionaries to prepare a four-minute talk on the blessings of the Savior’s mercy and grace in their life. It took a while for me just to understand what the topic really meant. I was little confused, and I needed help. Knowing exactly what to do when I need help, I knelt down, prayed, and asked our Father in Heaven to help me to understand this topic and prepare the talk for the zone conference.

The Spirit of the Lord began to guide me. With the help of the Spirit, I searched the scriptures diligently to learn more about what the mercy and grace of the Atonement of Jesus Christ does for me and all those who have faith in him. After studying several scriptures, I paused and read the topic again. The last three words of the topic struck out to me: IN MY LIFE.

When I started to think about the blessings of mercy and grace because of the Atonement in my life, the following three questions came to my mind. First, what are the blessings you have received in the past? Second, what are the blessings which you are receiving now? Third, what are the blessings which you’re going to receive in the future because of his mercy and grace?

My dear brothers, sisters, and friends, I testify that it was because of the great mercy and grace of His infinite Atonement that my family was blessed with the restored gospel when I was 15 years old. And because of His mercy and love I was forgiven of all my sins when I took Christ’s name upon myself through the ordinance of baptism.

Though I was one of the weakest of the weak, because of His grace, I received strength to do more than what was expected of me in my callings from the day I joined the Church. As it says in Ether 12:27, His grace was and will be sufficient for me and you to overcome all our weaknesses. Jesus Christ made my weaknesses into strengths, little by little, because of His grace.

It was very painful to face failures in my life, especially in my studies. In twelfth standard, I failed in my subjects again and again and again. It was too hard for me to bear. I almost gave up. But the Savior indeed helped me to stay strong and showed His bounteous mercy and grace to me, which helped me not to give up. Having a great hope in my heart, I took a different course and chose to do a diploma in mining engineering in which I was able to succeed. In fact, I was one of the toppers of my college in all six semesters of my 3-year course. It may sound magical, but it was a miracle. How did this happen? I testify that it was because of Christ’s grace that I received light in my life which helped me to have success in my education.

Today, my family has been blessed with peace, love, joy, and unity. Though my dad is not with us, I know that he is resting in paradise because I was able to be baptized for him in the temple and we were sealed as a family to live together in eternity. This was made possible only through the grace of the Lord by His atoning sacrifice for all God’s children. Because of His tender mercy and grace, I’m able to be a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My heart and soul rejoice greatly to share the gospel.

I know for a surety that I’m going to receive many, many, many other blessings from our loving Heavenly Father through the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ.

Each time I have received a blessing in my life, I had to do something on my part. I would like to suggest three things you can do to access mercy and grace in your life and receive blessings. First, exercise your faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ by learning more than you know now about His grace and mercy from the scriptures and from the church magazines. Second, seek His help by praying more often and third, follow Him to the end and never give up.

I promise you that as you do these three things in your life, you will definitely see blessings and miracles. As President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “May we go with determination to try a little harder to be a little better” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “We Have a Work to Do,” Ensign, May 1995, 87; see also www.ChurchofJesusChrist.org/study/general-conference/1995/04/we-have-a-work-to-do?lang=eng).

I bear my witness that Jesus is the Christ who came down from heaven, lived a sinless life, and died to save you and me. I also testify that this is His church and He directs it through prophets and apostles. I know for myself that Joseph Smith was blessed to see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ face-to-face and received divine help and strength to restore the fullness of the gospel. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and the only way for our salvation and exaltation. I know that families can live together forever in the celestial kingdom of God. In the name of the Lord and Savior, even Jesus Christ, amen.