One Step at a Time
September 2019

“One Step at a Time,” Liahona, September 2019

Young Adults

One Step at a Time

young adult walking with umbrella

Photograph from Getty Images

Perfection can sound terrifying—especially when we make it the standard for our imperfect selves. I mean, everyone messes up sometimes and regrets mistakes. Often, these regrets can help us make necessary changes, but if we spend too much time dwelling on the need to do better and be better, those thoughts can become debilitating. In his article on page 44, Nathan helps us recognize what perfection really is and how we can get there through righteous living, one little thing at a time.

It can also often seem like we’re alone in our fight to improve, but we aren’t! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are here for each of us. If you ever feel like you’re not good enough, read Joëlle’s article on page 42 about how understanding the Savior’s Atonement helped her overcome her perfectionism.

Often, perfectionism can fixate on things like cleanliness, like with Amber’s worries, or on aspects of the gospel, like Aaron’s struggle to be a man of God (both digital-only articles). But just as these young adults found out, you can still feel the Spirit and be a man or woman of God even if you’re not perfect.

Want even more good news? The mandate to “be ye therefore perfect” (Matthew 5:48) might not actually mean what you think it means. Read David’s digital-only article to learn some steps for overcoming perfectionism.

As we strive to improve, we need to keep in mind that the Lord wants us to be inspired and uplifted—not dejected. We can be way too hard on ourselves (see my digital-only article) and should remember to be kind to ourselves on our journeys to perfection.

Focus on Heavenly Father and the Savior. They know your divine worth and, over time, can help you become even more than you ever thought you could be. One step at a time.


Heather Claridge
