Hyderabad India Stake—Youth Conference 2019
October 2019

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Hyderabad India Stake Youth Conference 2019

On May 24 and 25, nearly 70 youth of the Hyderabad Stake gathered at the Pragati Resort for a youth conference themed, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Attendees strengthened each other with love and fellowship while making commitments to strengthen their faith, testimonies and devotion as disciples of Jesus Christ.

President Manohar Mekala, first counselor in Hyderabad Stake presidency presided over the conference. In his opening remarks he counseled the youth to honor their parents, work hard to obtain secular education and prepare to serve missions. The conference was directed by President Peter Bushi, second counselor in Hyderabad Stake presidency who urged the youth to enroll in seminary.

Participants enjoyed getting acquainted by participating in games and water sports on the first day. Later, a talent show featuring singing, dancing and instrumental performances provided entertainment and allowed the youth to showcase their talents and abilities. These, in addition to a dance, allowed the attendees to create and strengthen friendships.

The two-day conference also involved workshops where participants learned how to overcome addictions by finding hope and strength in Christ. Other topics included the Young Women values, as well as temple and priesthood duties.

This was the first youth conference and an excellent experience for Jenice Sumarajan of the West Marredpally Third Ward. “The workshops were well thought out,” she said. “And I have learned how important it is to recognize addictions and overcome them and to make and keep sacred covenants in the Lord’s holy temple and the blessings of temple attendance. We were also taught about scripture study and to record our impressions in a journal and I felt the Spirit as I did it.”

Abhi Rayudu from Madinaguda First Ward was also inspired by the workshops. “I simply can’t forget these days in my life,” she said. “I will apply what I have learned at youth conference to live in a righteous path and serve my mission with much stronger courage.”

Keerthana from West Marredpally First Ward agreed, “We have learned many things about the gospel through the workshops that will help us to go on missions and be united with others in the gospel.”

Another very popular activity was a session with a panel consisting of members of the stake presidency, stake Young Men, Young Women and Primary presidents, as well as members of the high council who answered questions posed by the youth related to doctrine, sharing the gospel with others, and missionary work. The panelists taught the youth in a way they could understand and learn.

Susheel Meda from West Marredpally Ward said, “The session taught me many things such as how to prepare for a mission and build friendship. Knowing these things helps me see how the world is. It gave me strength and a lot of courage.”

The youth conference also strengthened the Young Men and Young Women leaders who attended. According to Swarnalatha Sapuri, Young Women president of the A S Rao Nagar Ward, “The conference was a great opportunity to work with the Young Women and Young Men presidencies from different wards and to be able to help and support each other.”

Each committee member brought his or her individual talents, personalities, skills, experience and spirit to make the youth conference a success. Ramesh Turala, Young Men president from the Madinaguda First Ward was impressed by the results of these combined efforts. “I saw how leaders and committee, or chairpersons have worked hard in making it a huge success,” he said. “I really hope to have similar well organized, spiritual activities in the future.”

Reflecting on the event, President Bushi remarked, “It has been a great privilege to oversee this youth conference. It was well organized by the dedicated team. Our sincere appreciation goes to the stake Young Men and Young Women presidencies and all those who have supported them in making it so successful. The youth behaved so well, they were obedient to their leaders, asked great questions, and participated in every workshop. The Church in Hyderabad has a strong future as these youth grow in the gospel.”
