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My Special Temple Experience
December 2019

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My Special Temple Experience

Our family was sealed in April in the Hong Kong Temple. We had been waiting to come to the temple for two years. There are five people in my family: my mother, my father, my elder sister (12), me (11) and my younger brother (2). We prayed to God and it was a very beautiful experience. At first, we were afraid how we could go but everything was all right. We arrived safely. When we reached the patron housing, we could not believe that we were there in front of the temple because we had been trying to make it for many years.

My little brother and I, who were too young to enter the temple, stayed in the patron house except for the one day we went for the sealing. My sister went to do baptisms every day for our family and for others. She really felt the Spirit. I sat in the waiting room and read scriptures. I really felt the Spirit too. I like that place. In the patron housing I could feel the Spirit. When we woke up in the patron housing, we could clearly see the temple outside the window. It was very wonderful.

When I went to the temple to be sealed with my family, it was very nice to see them all dressed in white. It was like they were not my mother, father, sister and brother but like angels who had come to visit me. My parents were in the sealing room and a sister came and told us it was time to be sealed so we followed her to the sealing room. They opened the doors and we saw the altar and they asked us to kneel there and put one hand on the altar and we all held our other hands, we made a chain and they sealed us by a prayer.

When we were sealed, we were all crying. They stood us in front of a mirror and showed us the generations of our family in the future then they turned us around and showed us our ancestors who had gone before. In the sealing room it felt like Heavenly Father was present.

Being sealed in the temple means that we will live together in eternal life. When I looked in the mirror behind us, I felt like our ancestors were there with us. When we left the temple, we really felt like Jesus Christ was with us, like our partner.