undefined undefined Stories of Jesus
Stories of Jesus
December 2019

“Stories of Jesus,” Liahona, December 2019

Stories of Jesus

Stories of Jesus

This coloring page is based on a beautiful stained-glass window in the visitors’ center of the Rome Italy Temple. The window is full of stories Jesus taught and many other important parts of His life. Can you find these scenes? What do they teach us about Jesus?

  1. A dove flying in the sky (see Matthew 3:16)

  2. An injured man carried on a donkey (see Luke 10:30–37)

  3. Rocks next to a woman by a well (see John 8:7)

  4. Birds eating seeds on the ground (see Matthew 13:1–9)

  5. A woman holding a lamp and a bottle of oil (see Matthew 25:1–13)

  6. A man sitting next to a pig (see Luke 15:11–32)

  7. A basket full of bread and fish (see Luke 9:13–17)

  8. A girl holding her mother’s dress (see Mark 5:39–42)

  9. A boy looking up at Jesus (see Mark 10:13–16)

  10. A rooster (see Luke 22:54–62)

  11. A rich man standing on a balcony (see Luke 12:16–21)

  12. A boat (see Mark 4:35–41)