You’re Not Alone—Trust Me
December 2019

“You’re Not Alone—Trust Me,” Liahona, December 2019

Young Adults

You’re Not Alone—Trust Me

Christmasy window

Photograph of woman from Getty Images

By the time I became a young adult, I thought I had loneliness all figured out. I had moved a lot growing up, so I had plenty of experience leaving my comfort zone to make friends. And when I married the nicest guy around, I knew I would never feel lonely again, right?


Loneliness in young adulthood is pretty much inevitable, even if it just lasts for a little while. We’re inundated by to-dos that keep us running at a frenetic pace. We’re taking on new roles: student, spouse, employee, or parent. We’re moving away from home and family. We’re bombarded with huge—even isolating—decisions. Plus, we’re still susceptible to the everyday and not-so-everyday trials of life. All of these things can add up to make loneliness one of the most prevalent feelings among young adults today. Luckily, there are ways to combat this loneliness, and that’s what this section is all about.

On page 44, Shaila shares how joining the Church ultimately helped her overcome her loneliness. On page 48, Mindy teaches us the way we can find and value friendship as Christ did. And in digital-only articles, Bella outlines the effects good friendships can have on us, and I give a couple of tips for those who are lonely while away from loved ones during the Christmas season.

There are ways of overcoming loneliness—whether that’s going out and making new friends, making genuine connections every day, or developing a closer relationship with the Savior. When we realize that Jesus Christ is always with us, when we see that we are never truly alone, we will have the strength to go outside ourselves, forge healthy relationships, and bless the lives of those around us.

From someone who believes in you,

Alexandra Palmer
