Lini Uilaau—Savai’i, Samoa
June 2020

“Lini Uilaau—Savai’i, Samoa,” Liahona, June 2020

Portraits of Faith

Lini Uilaau

Savai’i, Samoa


Lini once struggled with feelings of anger and impatience. But when she and her husband joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lini felt those feelings disappear as she lived the gospel.

Leslie Nilsson, photographer

I started studying the gospel and learned through the teachings of the Church how Jesus loved the children. He was always so kind to them.

I started trying to be more like Jesus. I now try to love all of my family members better. I spend more time with them and more time getting to know their needs. We read the scriptures as a family and pray together every night.

My heart is now much softer. I feel more love and peace and happiness in our home as we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I’m grateful for how the gospel helps me learn how to be a better wife, mother, and grandmother.

Some of our older children belong to different religions, but we still hope they will all join the true Church one day. My husband and I have a goal of going through the temple next year. But that’s only our beginning goal. We want our whole family to be able to go through the temple and be sealed together.

The gospel can change our lives. In addition to having a short temper, I used to struggle with some of parts in the Word of Wisdom. But now those aren’t a problem for me any longer. If the gospel can help me become a better person, I know it can do the same for my whole family.

Lini and Ioane with their family

Lini and her husband, Ioane, have both enjoyed the blessings of closer family unity as they have embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lini with her grandchildren

At every opportunity, Lini holds her grandchildren close. Lini and her husband have the goal to see their entire family sealed in the temple someday.

family sitting together outside

Greater love and peace in the home is only one of the blessings Lini has noticed since joining the Church and living the principles she’s learned.
