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How I’m Preparing for a Temple in India
July 2020

Digital Only

How I’m Preparing for a Temple in India

I have always wanted to go to the temple. Now that the prophet has announced a temple in India, I look forward to when I can receive those ordinances here.

Young man reading scriptures

Growing up in India, my family and I were Hindu. I was always surrounded by the belief that there were many gods to worship. When I was young, I also had friends who were Christians. They told me about only one God who created the world and all people. I started wondering why I was worshipping so many gods, when others believed in only one.

When I was in high school, I got into some bad habits. I was drinking a lot, I was rude, and my family was upset by my behavior. So I moved and started a new life in Hyderabad, a city with a lot of opportunities for work.

I started to get depressed and lonely because of my lifestyle. But one day I came across two men. They explained that they were missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and told me about the gospel of Jesus Christ. And again I learned about just one God, who had created a plan of happiness for all of His children. Their message immediately filled me with happiness and hope. I wanted to learn more.

I’ve now been a member of the Church for seven years. I’ve changed, I’ve witnessed miracles in my life, and I’ve learned so much about the gospel. I love the joy it brings me. But there is one important part of the gospel I have yet to experience—the temple.

From the moment I first learned about the temple, I wanted to go there to learn and feel the Spirit, to be sealed for eternity to my family, and to make covenants with the Lord. But there are no temples in India, and I haven’t had the opportunity to travel to one yet. So many Latter-day Saints in India and I have said countless prayers, we’ve fasted, and we’ve held onto patience and faith that one day there would be a temple built in India.

During the April 2018 general conference, God answered our prayers as President Russell M. Nelson announced that a temple will be built in Bengaluru, India. I will never forget that day. The Spirit filled my heart with joy and my eyes with tears at the prophet’s words. I immediately thanked Heavenly Father for answering our prayers. And I am so excited to finally see and enter the temple in just a few years.

I am so happy and proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. I know that the Lord restored the true gospel on this earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that the temple is where we can grow closer to God, be sealed to our families, and learn more about our purpose. And while I wait for the temple to be built here in India, I am working hard to prepare myself to enter.

  • I’m praying and learning as much as I can about the temple, the covenants I will make, and the ordinances I will receive there.

  • I’m asking other members who have already been through the temple for advice on how to prepare spiritually.

  • I’m learning how to do family history work so I can bring my ancestors’ names to the temple.

  • I’m attending a temple preparation class.

I want to be ready for the day I can finally enter the temple and make it a priority in my life. I will strive to always be worthy to enter so I can receive promised blessings, direction, and answers to my prayers I have waited so long for. I can’t wait for that day.