Growing with Good Goals
August 2020

“Growing with Good Goals,” Liahona, August 2020

Growing with Good Goals

Children around the world are using the Children’s Guidebook to try new things and grow like Jesus did!

Growing with Good Goals

Jessica B., age 10, lives in Greater Accra, Ghana. She set a goal to make new friends and share the gospel with them. She puts a copy of the Friend in her schoolbag and reads the magazine at school. She shares it with her classmates and talks to them about the gospel. “It makes me feel happy,” Jessica says.

Peter G., age 9, from Ohio, USA, had trouble reading. He needed to pass an important reading test to go on to the next grade in school. So he set a goal to read with his mom and sisters every day for 20 minutes. “I asked Heavenly Father to help me,” Peter says. Later, when he had to take the test, he passed!

Danielle P., age 8, from Cebu, Philippines, wanted to give food to people without homes. “I want to feed them so they can be happy and sleep with a full stomach,” she says. When her family has extra food from their business, they drive around and give it to people who are hungry.

Prophet M., age 12, lives in Greater Accra, Ghana. After learning to play the piano, he set a goal to teach others to play too! He invited people he knew to take piano classes taught by him and his friends. “Now we have more than 50 students who are taking lessons,” Prophet says. Eight of those students have been baptized!
