I Am Not Alone, God Is Always with Me!
September 2020

Come, Follow Me

I Am Not Alone, God Is Always with Me!

“Mom, I am not alone, God is with me! We are never alone, remember?”

In our family, Monday nights have always been special, as it is when we come together to hold family home evening. With the Come, Follow Me curriculum, every night became special, as our family scripture study became daily. My children started to like the scriptures more. It is a wonderful experience for my husband and me to see our children’s enthusiasm for sharing the New Testament and Book of Mormon stories! I feel that my children are beginning to gain their own testimonies of the Savior and of His restored gospel through our daily study of Come, Follow Me.

Recently, I was at home with my 4-year-old daughter, Romana, and we were both in my bedroom. I left the bedroom and went to the living room, leaving her alone in the bedroom. A few minutes later, I called out to her: “Romana, you are alone in the bedroom, come to the living room to be with me and your dolls.”

Without hesitating, she replied: “Mom, I am not alone, God is with me! We are never alone, remember?” I was so touched to hear my little girl saying those words. A few days earlier, during our family study, my husband and I had taught our children that our Heavenly Father and our Savior are always with us, despite our weaknesses and challenges. We are never alone!

By studying Come, Follow Me as a family daily, we are applying what Nephi taught when he said, “And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins” (2 Nephi 25:26). Now my children speak more about God and Jesus Christ and are always looking forward to the daily studies of Come, Follow Me.

A few weeks later, we asked our eldest son, Melqui, 9 years old, to conduct the family study. As he began, he asked his sister to say the opening prayer. After the prayer, he opened the Come, Follow Me manual and then asked the following question: “What are some things that you didn’t believe in and came to believe after you joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?” My husband and I were surprised with that question! My husband shared about prayer, saying that before he knew the restored gospel, he didn’t believe that God answered prayers. Then I shared that before I knew the restored gospel, I didn’t believe that there were living prophets.

We are so grateful for the wonderful experiences we have studying Come, Follow Me. In addition to helping us create a home centered on Jesus Christ, it also strengthens our testimonies and brings us closer together. Like my little girl, I bear my testimony that we are never alone. Our Heavenly Father and our Savior are always with us.
