“Fear Not, For Behold I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy”
December 2020


“Fear Not: For, Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy”

“My parents were financially limited and could not offer a Christmas gift every single year to us—their children—but I will never forget the joy that we could feel in our home during Christmastime.”

Christmas has always been and will always be a special time of the year as all Christians and disciples of Our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ worldwide commemorate His humble birth in Bethlehem. The greatest event of all times, seasons and all generations that were, are and will ever be.

In his address to the students of Brigham Young University on Dec. 10, 2002, President Russell M. Nelson said: “We commemorate the humble birth of the Savior at this time of year even though we know it did not occur in December. More likely, the Lord was born in April. Both scriptural and historical evidence suggest a time in the spring of the year, near the Jewish Passover”1.

Many may ask if we are wrong in celebrating Christmas in December. The most important thing to keep in mind is that we should not change the true meaning of what we celebrate—neither should we consider December 25 as the only day that we should remember the birth, the life, ministry and teachings, the death and Resurrection of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. Focusing on the how will turn us to Him, to remember Him, to hear Him and to abide in Him.

In Luke 2:8–10, we learn about the message that the angel delivered to the shepherds that were watching over their flocks, when said to them, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”

In the book of Mosiah, an angel delivered the following message to King Benjamin: “And he said unto me: Awake, and hear the words which I shall tell thee; for behold, I am come to declare unto you the glad tidings of great joy.

“For the Lord hath heard thy prayers, and hath judged of thy righteousness, and hath sent me to declare unto thee that thou mayest rejoice; and that thou mayest declare unto thy people, that they may also be filled with joy2.

And then in verses 5 through 13, the angel described to King Benjamin six reasons why he and his people should rejoice:

  1. The Lord Omnipotent, who was and is from all eternity to all eternity shall come down among the children of men and shall work mighty miracles.

  2. The Lord shall suffer temptations, pain of body, hunger thirst, fatigue, He shall suffer and shall shed His blood for His people.

  3. He shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning; and His mother shall be called Mary.

  4. He cometh unto His own, that salvation might come unto the children of men even through faith on His name; and even after all this they shall consider Him a man, and say that He hath a devil, and shall scourge Him, and shall crucify Him.

  5. He shall rise the third day from the dead; and behold, He standeth to judge the world; and behold, all these things are done that a righteous judgment might come upon the children of men.

  6. His blood atoneth for the sins of those who have fallen by the transgression of Adam, who have died not knowing the will of God concerning them, or who have ignorantly sinned.

The good tidings of great joy that the angel delivered to the shepherds and that the angel declared to King Benjamin—and that each of us individually and in families understands today is Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Jesus Christ is the source of great joy for all people. He is central to God’s plan for His children. Through His Atonement, Jesus Christ fulfilled His Father’s purpose and made it possible for each of us to enjoy immortality and eternal life. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”3.

Jesus Christ is the source of peace and joy in our lives. He taught, “Ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you”4.

In the October 2016 general conference, President Nelson taught: “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.

“When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation . . . and Jesus Christ and His gospel [good tidings of great joy], we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy.”5

I was born and raised in a modest family by parents who love God. In my family, Christmas has always been a special moment of gathering and sharing. My parents were financially limited and could not offer a Christmas gift every single year to us—their children—but I will never forget the joy that we could feel in our home during Christmastime. Nothing, no one, and no circumstances could take our joy from us, because of our understanding of the true meaning of Christmas and the desire of our hearts to turn to Him, to remember Him, to hear Him and to abide in Him.

I would invite you to remember the invitation extended by President Nelson, our dear and beloved prophet when he said: “During this season, I invite you to consider your own desires. What are your deepest desires? What do you really want to experience and accomplish in this life? Do you really want to become more and more like Jesus Christ? Do you really want to live with Heavenly Father and with your family forever and live as He lives?”6.

I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Only Begotten Son of our living Heavenly Father, our Savior and Redeemer and that there is no salvation without His Atonement.

Thierry K. Mutombo was sustained as a General Authority Seventy in April 2020. He is married to Tshayi Nathalie Sinda. They are the parents of six children.


  1. Russell M. Nelson, “The Peace and Joy of Knowing the Savior Lives,” Liahona, December 2011, 19; see also Doctrine and Covenants 20:1.

  2. Mosiah 3:3–4; italics added.

  3. John 3:16.

  4. John 16:22.

  5. Russell M. Nelson, “Joy and Spiritual Survival,” Liahona, November 2016, 82.

  6. Russell M. Nelson, “Four Gifts That Jesus Christ Offers to You” [First Presidency Christmas Devotional, Dec. 2, 2018], broadcasts.churchofjesuschrist.org.
