How can I know for myself?
January 2021

“How can I know for myself?” Liahona, January 2021, 27

Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants

How can I know for myself?

Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26

(January 4–10)


Illustration by Ben Simonsen

Young Joseph wanted to know for himself which religion was true. He asked God in prayer and received an answer directly from God and Jesus Christ. He returned home and told his mother, “I have learned for myself” (Joseph Smith— History 1:20).

What can we learn from Joseph’s example? How can we “know for ourselves” what is true?

  • Joseph spent a lot of time reading the Bible. He read in James 1:5 that he could ask his question to God in prayer.

  • Joseph didn’t just sit at home waiting for an answer to come. He attended different churches. As he talked to leaders and members of the different denominations, Joseph felt that something was missing, which led to his decision to ask of God. Learning all we can helps us to be blessed with inspiration from Heavenly Father.1

  • In the First Vision, the Savior told Joseph that none of the current religions were right. He also said that His Church would be restored one day. Joseph had to wait to learn more. Sometimes we’ll have to wait for answers too.
